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Frequently Asked Questions - Elections

If you can't find the answer to your question, please contact us by telephone at 604.877.7595 or by email at


What impact does my vote have?

Perhaps far more than you think. By voting, you choose directors whom you believe will best help lead the credit union. The Board determines how Vancity is managed. The Board sets Vancity’s strategic vision. The Board decides how money is given back to members and the community, and Vancity’s approach to socially responsible investing. It starts with your vote.

Am I eligible to vote?

If you have received a ballot by mail, or can access online voting, then you are automatically eligible to vote. Eligibility means: you are 19 years of age or over; have $5 or more in your share account; have joined Vancity before January 31, 2024, and do not have any overdue payments or overdrawn accounts for 90 consecutive days within the 3 months prior to January 31, 2024.

How do I vote – what are my options?

Ballot packages are available on request, and are automatically mailed to every eligible member who requested a mail-out or voted by mail in 2023. If you did not receive a ballot package and wish to vote by mail, please contact Vancity at 604.877.7595 or email and a package will be sent to you.

You may choose one of three ways in which to cast your vote by:

  • clicking on the "Vote" icon on Vancity's mobile app;
  • logging in to your Vancity account and voting online; or
  • completing and mailing in your ballot or dropping off your ballot at one of the twenty-four participating branches with an election ballot box.

When may I vote?

This year, you may vote at any time between Monday, April 8 and Friday, April 26, 2024. You can vote online, by mobile app, and by mail-in ballot.

You must vote by no later than 4:30 pm on Friday, April 26, 2024 if voting online.

If you are voting by mail, your ballot needs to be postmarked by April 26, 2024 and ensure your ballot reaches our Election Official by Friday, May 3, 2024. Ballots received after this time will not be counted.

When will the election results be announced?

The results of the election will be announced at the Annual General Meeting and posted on shortly after conclusion of the election.

At which branches can I vote in person?

In-branch voting in the Board of Directors’ election will be available in select branches which can be found here. For more information visit Election - Vancity. You can still vote online, by mobile app, and by mail-in ballot.

I have a joint account with my spouse. How much money needs to be in my share account in order for us both to vote?

While many products at Vancity can be held jointly, the Membership Shares are held individually by each Vancity member. In order to vote, each member must have a minimum of five shares (minimum balance of $5) in their Membership Shares.

I own a business. Do I get an extra vote?

This depends on whether you hold a corporate or partnership account in addition to your personal one and have completed the Designation of Voter section in your business ballot. If it is, then, yes, you do get an extra vote: one for your personal account (if you have one) and one for your business account.

Can I vote online as a business or not-for-profit member?

Not at this time. In order to submit a business ballot, members must complete a valid “Designation of Voter” form. These forms are currently available only in paper format, which means our business and community organization members are restricted to using channels where the Designation of Voter form can be supplied with the ballot, i.e. by mail or in-branch.

I made a mistake on my ballot. Can I complete another one?

Unfortunately not. The ballot submitted is the ballot that will be counted.

How are votes counted and validated?

At the end of the voting period, all ballots are counted and validated by the Election Official. To ensure a confidential ballot, the Election Official has no member information.

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Board of Directors

What is the Board?

The Board is your voice at Vancity. It represents you and is responsible for setting the strategic direction for, and supervising the operation of, the credit union. The Board hires the CEO, who reports to the Board.

There are nine directors on Vancity’s Board. Each director serves a three-year term. The terms are staggered so three directors end their terms every year, leaving three openings on the Board annually. Directors who choose to run for re-election are known as “incumbents”. Directors can serve up to four terms if they are re-elected by the membership.

Are directors paid for their work?

Yes. Directors receive a monetary sum for each year they serve on the Board known as “remuneration”. Remuneration differs from salary in that directors are not employed by Vancity, but elected to its Board.

Who decides how much directors are paid?

You do. Every three years at the Annual General Meeting, members are asked to approve director “remuneration” based on a recommendation presented by the Director Remuneration Committee (DRC). The DRC is a committee made up of members-at-large, who are not serving as directors of Vancity, or any of Vancity’s subsidiaries or affiliates.

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Election process

Who oversees the election?

Every year, the Board invites members to apply to be on the Nominations and Election Committee, which looks after all matters relating to the election process, from reviewing applications to interviewing each of the prospective candidates. Those appointed to the Nominations and Election Committee are members in good standing who have experience on selection committees, demonstrated decision-making ability, an understanding of elections and governance, and an understanding of Vancity’s mission and values.

The 2023-24 Nominations and Election Committee is comprised of four members-at-large (Kevin Huang, Theo Lamb, Sam Otim, and Azmina Manji) and two directors (Kristen Rivers and Christie Stephenson).

Why does Vancity focus on specific attributes and experience when reviewing candidates?

The concept of establishing a base of Desired Director Attributes and Experience emerged from the recognition that to achieve Vancity’s mission, the Board itself should reflect the communities that it serves. To this end, each year, the Board completes a self-assessment to identify not only its existing attributes and experience, but any aspects it wishes to build on or strengthen.

Throughout the application and interview process, when assessing candidates, the Nominations and Election Committee first considers the list of Desired Director Attributes and Experience, and then those areas the Board wants to strengthen. The Committee will also look at ways in which the candidate demonstrates a commitment and aptitude to acquire the attributes and experience necessary to make them effective as Vancity directors.

For 2023-24, the attributes and experience identified by the Board as the focus for this election are:

  • relevant professional financial industry experience
  • senior leadership experience in a large, complex, values-driven organization
  • leadership in service of financial inclusion, social equity, labour relations or climate justice
  • technology strategy and/ or cybersecurity management or oversight expertise

Directors whose terms are due to expire have no involvement in decisions relating to the election, and excuse themselves from all discussions at both Board and Committee level.

Why are some candidates recommended by the Board?

The British Columbia Financial Services Authority (BCFSA), an agency of the Provincial Government which regulates credit unions in British Columbia, expects all credit unions to use a recommendation process for their Board of Directors’ Election as in their (Governance Guidelines).

Each year the Board reviews the attributes and experience of the Directors who are not up for re-election. The Board determines what attributes and experience would be required to strengthen or complement the existing Board. This information is then provided to members in the Call for Nominations which goes out each November.

The Call for Nomination, posted in November 2023, noted the Board is seeking directors with the attributes and experience listed in the Desired Attributes and Experience document available on Vancity’s website, and with a particular focus for 2024 on directors who have:

  • relevant professional financial industry experience
  • senior leadership experience in a large, complex, values-driven organization
  • leadership in service of financial inclusion, social equity, labour relations or climate justice
  • technology strategy and/ or cybersecurity management or oversight expertise

The Nominations and Election Committee (NEC), which is made up of four non-Director and two Director members, reviews the information provided by the nominees and conducts an extensive interview with each nominee individually. Following the interviews, the NEC meets to assess the nominees against the attributes and experience the Board wishes to build on or strengthen, as communicated to members in the Call for Nomination.

The NEC committee can recommend up to five candidates, and as approved by the Board, best demonstrate the attributes and experience that will complement and strengthen the existing Board.

Although up to five candidates are recommended, each member is expected to vote for the candidate(s) the member feels will best meet the needs of Vancity.

A full copy of the Election Guidelines, the Desired Attributes and Experience for Directors, and further details about the recommendation process can be found under the “Call for nominations” page on

What is the Call for Nominations?

Each November, Vancity invites its members to apply to run in the annual Board of Directors’ election by posting a “Call for Nominations” on, in branches and online. The Call for Nominations remains open for approximately two months to ensure the message reaches as many potential candidates as possible.

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What information will I receive about candidates?

Starting in 2024, Vancity is discontinuing the distribution of the majority of our election mailouts in an effort to reduce our carbon footprint wherever we can, as per our net-zero commitment. We encourage members to vote online, via the mobile app, or in branch (see here for participating branches).

For members who prefer to receive a full election package, please call 604.877.7595 or email and provide your full name and address. The full package will include an Election Bulletin, containing comprehensive candidates’ information, and a mail in ballot. Alternatively, members can visit one of the select in-branch voting locations where they can pick up an Election Bulletin and cast their vote on the spot with a paper ballot.

  • a paper ballot
  • an Election Bulletin; and
  • consolidated, condensed financial statements. All other members will receive by mail only information required by law:
  • notice of Election and AGM; and
  • consolidated, condensed financial statements.

All other members will receive a basic election package which will include the Notice of Election, Notice of AGM, and the consolidated, condensed financial statements. Members may request a full election package by calling 604.877.7595 or emailing

Further information about the candidates may be found on, including any biographies, résumés, campaign videos or social media links (if submitted by the candidate).

Vancity does not disclose member information to any of the candidates. However, you may receive information from the candidates themselves as they rally support for their campaigns.

Do candidates have to follow any rules?

Yes. As part of the application process, every candidate has to sign a declaration that they have read and will comply with the Vancity Rules and Election Guidelines. If a candidate does not follow the Rules or Guidelines, he or she may be disqualified from running in the election.

Am I allowed to speak to candidates about any issue?

Absolutely. You may speak to any candidate about any issue that is on your mind. However, candidates may not promise that the Board will take a specific course of action on your behalf as they do not have the authority to make such a commitment.

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Annual General Meeting (AGM)

What is an Annual General Meeting?

The Annual General Meeting (also known as AGM) is a legally required, members’ meeting that takes place every year. The Board and CEO will present the annual report and any ordinary/special resolutions to members, and also provide a report about Vancity’s performance and strategy. Importantly, it is an opportunity for members to personally engage with the Board and Management. Vancity’s 2024 Annual General Meeting won’t be held in person. You can watch and participate remotely by viewing the webcast online at

I don’t live in the Lower Mainland. Is there another way to attend the AGM?

You may attend our AGM virtually via webcast which allows you to view a live stream of the event, vote on ordinary resolutions, and ask questions. Find out how, click - Annual General Meeting.

Where do I go if I have questions?

The Election Guidelines and information available on should contain answers to most questions, but you may always contact us by telephone at 604-877-7595, or by email at


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