2025 Board of Directors Elections starts April 7.

Vote and you could win a prize.

Simply cast your ballot to vote online, via mobile app, or by mail, and enter for a chance to win 1 of 10 $1000 cashable term deposits.*

Business member? Mail in your ballot and you’ll be entered for a chance to win a $1,000 cashable term deposit.*

Key dates

Voting starts: Monday, April 7, 2025 at 9:00 AM

Voting ends: Friday, April 25, 2025 at 4:30 PM

Stay tuned, candidate bios and interviews coming March 31.

Gil Yaron

Gil Yaron


Sobhi Zobaidi

Sobhi Zobaidi

Mark Roseland

Mark Roseland

Rita Parikh

Rita Parikh


Sean Riley

Seán Riley 瑞利山

Rob Schulz

Rob Schulz

Tom Wong

Tom Wong


Ashley Garib

Ashley Garib

Lynn Weaver

Lynn Weaver


Kristen Rivers

Kristen Rivers


Ways to vote.


Vote on the Vancity mobile app by 4:30 pm on Friday, April 25, 2025.

Please note: Business members cannot vote by mobile app.


Please log in to online banking and vote by 4:30 pm on Friday, April 25, 2025.

Please note: Business members cannot vote online.


Mailed ballots must be postmarked no later than Friday, April 25, 2025.

Director remuneration will be voted on at our AGM this year.

How are Directors compensated? That’s a decision for our members to make, reflecting on the Board’s considerable responsibilities.

Their remuneration is re-visited every three years and a set of recommendations will be voted on by you, our members, at the AGM on Tuesday, May 6, 2025.

Download the Directors’ Remuneration recommendation

Have more questions?

Who is eligible to vote?

If you’re eligible to vote, you will either receive a self-addressed ballot by mail, or see the option to vote in the Vancity app or online banking during the voting period.

Your voter eligibility depends on whether you:

  • Are 19 years of age or older
  • Have $5 or more in your share account
  • Must have joined Vancity as a member before January 31, 2025
  • Have any overdue payments or overdrawn accounts for 90 consecutive days within the 3 months prior to January 31, 2025

What’s the candidate selection process?

We work to create a dynamic and well-rounded Board of Directors with diverse backgrounds and experience that reflect the communities we serve. The Board provides a list of Desired Director Attributes and Experience as part of the Call for Nominations which outlines the type of candidate experience being sought for the upcoming year.

Every election season, we invite nominations from eligible members to fill available Board of Directors openings through our call for nominations. The Board is looking for candidates to fill 3 Director positions for a three-year term, starting May 6th, 2025.

Why are some candidates recommended by the Board?

The British Columbia Financial Services Authority (BCFSA), an agency of the Provincial Government which regulates credit unions in British Columbia, expects all credit unions to use a recommendation process for their Board of Directors Election as articulated in the BCFSA Governance Guideline.

Each year the Board reviews the attributes and experience of the Directors who are not up for re-election. The Board determines what attributes and experience would be required to strengthen or complement the existing Board. This information is then provided to members in the Call for Nominations which goes out each November.

The Call for Nomination, posted in November 2024, noted the Board is seeking directors with the attributes and experience listed in the Desired Attributes and Experience document available on Vancity’s website, and with a particular focus for 2025 on directors who have:

  • Experience leading transformation in large, complex, values-driven organizations or senior leadership roles focused on financial and risk management.
  • Leadership in service of financial inclusion, labour relations, reconciliation, or climate justice.
  • Digital, technology and cybersecurity management or oversight expertise.

The Nominations and Election Committee (NEC), which is made up of four non-Director and two Director members, reviews the information provided by the nominees and conducts an interview with each nominee where applicable. Following the interviews, the NEC meets to assess the nominees against the attributes and experience the Board wishes to build on or strengthen, as communicated to members in the Call for Nomination.

The NEC can recommend up to five candidates, who best demonstrate the attributes and experience that will complement and strengthen the existing Board. The NEC recommendation is then reviewed and approved by the Board.

Although up to five candidates are recommended, each member is expected to vote for the candidate(s) they feel will best meet the needs of Vancity.

Learn more about our Call for Nominations, download our Election Guidelines or the the Desired Attributes and Experience for Directors for more details about the recommendation process.

How can I see the Financial Highlights for last year?

See all FAQs