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Speak up. Give us your 2 cents.

My Two Cents

Your voice has the power to make real change happen at Vancity.

Register to be part of the Vancity Member Panel, and in just a few minutes, you can speak your mind and change the way we do business.

It’s free. It’s easy. It’s confidential. And you could win one of six prizes every month.

What is my2cents?

my2cents is an online member panel we use to gather feedback and insights from our members.

Since 2007, Vancity has relied on my2cents to help us understand what’s important to members so we can use that information to guide our strategic direction. Past member panels have explored a wide range of topics such as property assessments, loyalty rewards programs and community outreach.

my2cents gives you a chance to speak up and tell us how you feel about the issues affecting your finances, credit union, and community.

Who can sign up?

Any Vancity member over 19 years old can sign up for the my2cents panel.

If you choose to take part, we’ll e-mail an invitation to you every few weeks, to participate in a quick online survey or discussion topic about anything from fraud to financial literacy.

Just log in, share your thoughts, and we’ll use your input to help us make decisions about the projects we fund and the way we do business.

Did you say prizes?

Yes we did. Every time you share your thoughts in an online survey or discussion, you’ll automatically be entered into a monthly cash and prize draw. It’s our way of saying, “Thanks for sharing.”

Where do I sign up?

Register today to be included in our next online member panel. It only takes a moment, so give us your 2 cents today.


Give us your 2 cents.

Your voice has the power to make real change happen at Vancity.