Not sure where to start? Our experts are here to help.
Meet with a specialistHere are some great offers to consider for your RRSP, TFSA, or other investment accounts.
Choose me if you’re not sure what to invest in yet but want to get your contributions in for the tax year.
For a limited time, earn 5.00% on new registered deposits.*
Choose me if you want to lock in a great rate for up to 5 years.
Low risk investing with competitive rates and guaranteed returns.
Choose me if you want personalized financial advice and long-term investments that align with your values.
Get a bonus of $150 to $3,000*
Word on the street is, a lot of people invest without knowing if they're doing it right. That's why we're here. Our team of professionals provide free advice on all kinds of financial questions, including:
Here’s a trick: depending on your circumstance, you may be able to offset some of your capital gains by maxing out your RRSP. (For example if you sold a non-primary residence property this year.)
If you don’t have enough money to max it out, but you want the tax benefits, talk to us about getting an RRSP loan.
*See offer terms and conditions: