Squamish Investing
You know that money you work so hard for? It’s about to return the favour.
Photo: Burneing Images
Investing with Squamish Savings is about more than just popping your money into some fancy-shmancy-sounding fund so you can scratch it off your to-do list. It’s about strategically ensuring your money is working hard. For you, your family, and your community.
New to investing?
Learn what is different about investing at Squamish Savings, get your Financial Questions answered and learn more about the Financial Planning Process.
Investments & Services
Learn about the different investment options and financial services we have waiting for you.
You can invest in:
- Socially Responsible Investments
- RRSP's, TFSA's
- Term Deposits
- Mutual Funds, Stocks, and Bonds
- Discretionary Investment Management
Set up a meeting with one of our today.