Education planning
Spending money on education is a wise investment, but finding the money to pay for it takes some financial planning. A Vancity financial planner can help you choose the funding options that fit your needs, and you’ll also find lots of useful information about financing education by browsing the links below.
These days, financing education requires a smart investment strategy. A registered education savings plan (RESP) helps you grow your savings and benefit from potential grants and tax breaks.
Education borrowing
Borrowing for school can help you fund your education, but it’s important to understand the costs involved for options such as government student loans, a student line of credit, or credit cards.
Purchasing property
Is it smart financial planning to purchase a property while you’re in school? In some cases it might be, but you need to consider a number of factors before making a decision.
Filing a tax return
Did you know that filing tax returns while you’re a student could earn you valuable tax credits and rebates? Find out what every student needs to know about taxes.
Contact information
To speak directly with one of our investment professionals to help you decide what's best for you, contact us at 604.877.7000 or visit your local branch.