Lock in a great rate for funds that you aren’t using in the short and medium term.
Escalating term deposits are eligible with non-registered accounts, TFSA, RRSP, FHSA, RRIF, RESP and RDSP.
The Vancity 3-Year Escalating Term Deposit (minimum balance $500)(Rates effective 2025-03-07) | Rates |
Year 1 | 2.75% |
Year 2 | 2.95% |
Year 3 | 3.15% |
The Vancity 5-Year Escalating Term Deposit (minimum balance $500)For RRSP, RRIF, RESP and RDSP only(Rates effective 2025-03-07) | Rates |
Year 1 | 2.50% |
Year 2 | 2.75% |
Year 3 | 3.25% |
Year 4 | 3.30% |
Year 5 | 3.60% |
This term deposit is eligible with TFSA, RRSP, FHSA, RESP, RDSP accounts.
Annual / Annual Compound Interest Term Deposit (minimum balance $500) (Rates effective 2025-03-07) |
Rates |
Non-Redeemable, 12 to less than 18 months | 2.95% |
Non-Redeemable, 18 to less than 24 months | 2.90% |
Non-Redeemable, 24 to less than 30 months | 2.90% |
Non-Redeemable, 30 to less than 36 months | 2.85% |
Non-Redeemable, 36 to less than 48 months | 2.85% |
Non-Redeemable, 48 to less than 60 months | 2.85% |
Non-Redeemable, 60 months | 3.00% |
You can choose how often you receive interest payments. If you'd like to leave your interest earned in the account to compound instead of paying out, give us a call or visit us in-person.
Annual / Annual Compound Interest Term Deposit (minimum balance $500) (Rates effective 2025-03-07) |
Rates |
Non-Redeemable, 12 to less than 18 months | 2.95% |
Non-Redeemable, 18 to less than 24 months | 2.90% |
Non-Redeemable, 24 to less than 30 months | 2.90% |
Non-Redeemable, 30 to less than 36 months | 2.85% |
Non-Redeemable, 36 to less than 48 months | 2.85% |
Non-Redeemable, 48 to less than 60 months | 2.85% |
Non-Redeemable, 60 months | 3.00% |
Semi-Annual Interest Term Deposit (minimum balance $500) (Rates effective 2025-03-07) |
Rates |
Semi Annual Term, 12 to less than 18 months | 2.90% |
Semi Annual Term, 18 to less than 24 months | 2.85% |
Semi Annual Term, 24 to less than 30 months | 2.85% |
Semi Annual Term, 30 to less than 36 months | 2.80% |
Semi Annual Term, 36 to less than 48 months | 2.80% |
Semi Annual Term, 48 to less than 60 months | 2.80% |
Semi Annual Term, 60 months | 2.95% |
Semi-Annual Compound Interest Term Deposit (minimum balance $100) (Rates effective 2025-03-07) |
Rates |
Non-Redeemable, 12 to less than 18 months | 2.90% |
Non-Redeemable, 18 to less than 24 months | 2.85% |
Non-Redeemable, 24 to less than 30 months | 2.85% |
Non-Redeemable, 30 to less than 36 months | 2.80% |
Non-Redeemable, 36 to less than 48 months | 2.80% |
Non-Redeemable, 48 to less than 60 months | 2.80% |
Non-Redeemable, 60 months | 2.95% |
Monthly Income Term Deposit (minimum balance $1,000) (Rates effective 2025-03-07) |
Rates |
Non-Redeemable, 12 to less than 18 months | 2.85% |
Non-Redeemable, 18 to less than 24 months | 2.80% |
Non-Redeemable, 24 to less than 30 months | 2.80% |
Non-Redeemable, 30 to less than 36 months | 2.75% |
Non-Redeemable, 36 to less than 48 months | 2.75% |
Non-Redeemable, 48 to less than 60 months | 2.75% |
Non-Redeemable, 60 months | 2.90% |
Monthly Plus Income Term Deposit (minimum balance $1,000) (Rates effective 2025-03-07) |
Rates |
Non-Redeemable, 12 to less than 18 months | 2.95% |
Non-Redeemable, 18 to less than 24 months | 2.90% |
Non-Redeemable, 24 to less than 30 months | 2.90% |
Non-Redeemable, 30 to less than 36 months | 2.85% |
Non-Redeemable, 36 to less than 48 months | 2.85% |
Non-Redeemable, 48 to less than 60 months | 2.85% |
Non-Redeemable, 60 months | 3.00% |
Interest is paid at maturity or upon withdrawal.
Cashable Term Deposit (minimum balance $500)
(Rates effective 2025-03-21) | Rates |
Cashable (30 Day Lock-out) Term, 12 months | 2.00% |
Cashable (90 Day Lock-out) Term, 12 months | 2.15% |
With the long term redeemable term deposit, interest is compounded anually and paid at maturity.
Long Term Redeemable (minimum balance $500)
(Rates effective 2025-02-24) |
Rates |
Redeemable, 12 to less than 24 months | 1.50% |
Redeemable, 24 to less than 36 months | 1.75% |
Redeemable, 36 to less than 48 months | 2.00% |
Redeemable, 48 to less than 60 months | 2.50% |
Redeemable, 60 Months | 3.00% |
Get a guaranteed interest rate if you keep your money in until the maturity date. Take it out early, as in 30 days after opening the deposit but before maturity, and you’ll earn a reduced interest rate. If you withdraw in the 29 days after opening or renewing the term deposit, you won’t earn any interest.
Short Term Redeemable (minimum balance $5,000)
(Rates effective 2025-02-24) |
Rates |
Short Term, 30-59 days | 1.75% |
Short Term, 60-89 days | 1.85% |
Short Term, 90-119 days | 2.15% |
Short Term, 120-179 days | 2.50% |
Short Term, 180-269 days | 2.50% |
Short Term, 270-364 days | 2.65% |
You'll earn simple interest at maturity or at conversion. The interest gets reinvested with your principle if you renew the term deposit or goes into the new investment when you convert.
RRSP/RRIF Convertible Term Deposit (minimum balance $500)
(Rates effective 2025-03-07) |
Rates |
12 Month RRIF Convertible | 1.85% |
Get a guaranteed interest rate as long as your money stays put until maturity. You can withdraw your money at any time but, if you do so before the maturity date, you won’t receive any interest, only your deposited amount. Simple interest is paid in USD at maturity. If redeeming early, you will need to redeem the whole amount.
Special 4.00% rate offer
For a limited time, earn 4% with our 364-day USD Short-Term Redeemable Term Deposit. Eligible with new deposits to Vancity. View FAQs or terms & conditions.
U.S. Dollar Short-Term Redeemable (minimum balance US$5,000)
(Rates effective 2025-02-24) |
Rates |
Short Term, US$, 30-59 days | 1.75% |
Short Term, US$, 60-89 days | 1.95% |
Short Term, US$, 90-119 days | 2.15% |
Short Term, US$, 120-179 days | 2.40% |
Short Term, US$, 180-269 days | 3.10% |
Short Term, US$, 270-364 days | 3.15% |
Members can open non-registered term deposits or add a term deposit to an existing TFSA, RRSP, FHSA, RRIF or RDSP in Account Services.
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‡ Rate is subject to change or may be withdrawn without notice at any time. Terms and Conditions for each term deposit apply: