All new and existing clients of Aviso Wealth and Vancity Investment Management.
Start investing with a wealth professional and transfer new funds into an eligible account by March 31, 2025
Earn 1% per dollar invested starting with investments of $10,000 and up to $1 million. For example, if you invest $382,000, you’ll receive $3,820 cash. (That’s two iPhones!)
Keep investing until at least Nov. 30, 2025 and we’ll deposit your bonus by Jan. 31, 2026.
When you work with a investment professional, you benefit from our experience, calm hands in a shifting economy and honest advice — all while receiving individual. Experience a wealth of offerings including:
There’s no commitment, minimum investment, nor consultation fee for getting a professional opinion with our specialists. Simply find a time in our calendars and we can help with almost any financial problem, or least point you in the right direction.
Adding goodness through ESG integration or thematic investing, some funds seek investments with a measurable positive impact and positive return.
No matter if you’re 25, or 35, or 55, or any number in between — look into the crystal ball and see how your financial future is shaping up
Not ready to invest 10k or looking for lower risk? Protect yourself from changing rates and try out a term deposit or check out our special offers on high-interest savings account.
Who is eligible for this offer?
All new and existing clients of Aviso Wealth and Vancity Investment Management.
What is an eligible transfer?
All new dollars coming from any external Canadian financial institution. Minimum new dollar amount is $10,000.
What plans are eligible for the bonus offer?
RRSP, spousal RRSP, Locked-In RRSP, TFSA, FHSA and Non-registered plans.
What plans are excluded from the bonus offer?
Can the bonus offering be retroactive to 1 Jan 2025?
No, bonus cannot be backdated.
What if I redeem funds during the hold period (prior to November 30, 2025)?
Any redemptions of what would be considered the new funds transferred in will be deducted from the calculation of the total new money. Redemptions of funds outside of the transferred amount will not be deducted from the transferred amount (i.e.: investments currently held can be redeemed without impacting the eligible transfer amount).
Example: If a client currently holds $50,000 in their non-registered account, transfers in $20,000 from an external institution to a new TFSA and later redeems $5,000 from their non-registered plan, the full $20,000 would remain eligible for the promotion.
How is the Bonus amount calculated?
The Bonus is 1% of all qualifying New Assets into Qualifying Accounts during the Offer Period up to a maximum Bonus of $10,000.
Example: A client who transfers in $10,000 into an RSP and $5,000 into a TFSA will qualify for a Bonus of 1% in each of the accounts, which is $100 for RRSP and $50 for TFSA.
Can I decide which account would receive the bonus payment?
No, you cannot decide the account that will receive a bonus.
1% bonus will be paid all qualifying new assets into each Qualifying Account within the offer period, up to a maximum Bonus of $10,000.
For example, A client who transfers in $40,000 into a nonregistered account and $80,000 into an RSP, will qualify for a Bonus of $400 to the non-registered account and $800 to the RRSP.
Can I decide which account would receive the bonus payment?
No, you cannot decide the account that will receive a bonus.
1% bonus will be paid all qualifying new assets into each Qualifying Account within the offer period, up to a maximum Bonus of $10,000.
How would joint accounts be treated?
If a member transfer in funds to a joint account, the bonus amount will be calculated based on the qualifying New Assets transferred into the joint account. The bonus will be paid into the joint account.
Are all investments eligible?
Non qualifying investments would include cash, money market funds, high interest savings accounts, GICs, fixed income securities with a duration of less than six months or certain restricted securities. Nonqualifying investments must be converted to qualifying investments (i.e.: Mutual funds, ETFs, stocks, etc.) within 30days of the transfer in date or deposit to be considered eligible.
For example, if cash is deposited in the form of a cheque from RBC or TD for $55,000, the deposit must be invested in qualifying assets and not held in cash or other non-qualifying assets to be eligible.
How are transfer fees rebated?
Transfers fees will be rebated up to an amount of $150 per client. If the aggregate amount of the transfer fees is higher, a maximum of $150 will be paid. Evidence of transfer fee maybe required.
Are client name plans eligible?
Client name plans are eligible. Where a registered client name plan has earned the bonus, it will be paid to the registered plan as a contribution.
Please be sure to provide investment instructions for the bonus payout as they cannot be paid in cash to a client name account.
Are PACs eligible?
The Terms and Conditions state that systematic plans are not considered transfer or deposits.
Are RESPs and RDSPs eligible?
No, they are not eligible for this bonus offer.
If members have individual accounts and a joint, how is the bonus calculated for joint accounts?
Example: Justin and Sophie are a couple. Justin adds $10000 to his personal TFSA. Sophie adds $10000 to her personal TFSA. They also add $10000 to a joint account.
Based on the above example, Justin would be eligible $100 bonus for his TFSA, Sophie would be eligible for $100 for her TFSA and they would be eligible for $100 for the joint account.
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* Terms and conditions apply:
See full terms and conditions for Aviso clients, VCIM clients.
*Mutual funds and other securities are offered through Aviso Wealth, a division of Aviso Financial Inc. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Unless otherwise stated, mutual funds, other securities and cash balances are not covered by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation or by any other government deposit insurer that insures deposits in credit unions. Mutual funds and other securities are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Pooled Portfolios are distributed by Aviso Wealth. Referral fees, commissions, management fees, and expenses all may be associated with managed accounts or the investments therein. Managed accounts, and the investments therein, are not insured nor guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.